American Fundraising Foundation
Amplify Christian Church
Angela Hernandez
Ann L. Sullivan
Arthur T. & Lolly Lewry
Benson and Edith Ford Fund
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation
Carina Jackson
Carl & Mary Yoder
Carl Bentley & Saunteel Jenkins
Carlton Winfrey
Chris & Sara Kowal
Christ Church Cranbrook
Christ Church Grosse Pointe
Christ Episcopal Church, Dearborn
Clannad Foundation
Club General Motors
Comerica Bank
Communities Foundation Of Texas
Cutter’s Bar and Grill
Cynthia Abejuro
Cynthia Pasky
Dan & Jean Fletcher
Daniel B. Fletcher
David & Linda Denomme
David and Linda Denomme
David Sampson
DDP/MOGO Bike Share Corporation
Detroit Drifters
Detroit Industrial School
Detroit Lions Charities
Digitas LBi
Donald Van Every
DTE Energy
Ebony Duff
Edwin R. MacKethan III
Episcopal Churchwomen Of St. Michael’s Church
Episcopal Diocese of Michigan
Flinn Foundation
Francis & Mimi McMillan
Frederick J. Parker
Garan Lucow Miller
Gary & Vicki Gillette
George G. Johnson Fund
George Johnson
Gloria Lowe
Greektown Casino
Harold & Carolyn Robison Foundation
Helen L. Kay Charitable Trust
HopCat Detroit
Ilitch Charities
Investment Professionals For Charity Inc.
James & Elizabeth Klein
James A Green
Joe Vernon
John & Catherine Dillon
John & Jean Dinan Foundation
Jon Feikens
Joseph Vernon
Karieem & Lisa Schkoor
Ken & Heather Jennings
Kevin & Margaret Green
Kevin and Kathryn Salisbury
Kevin Bush
Kimberly Thomas
Kimberly Thomas & Jon Sacks
Linda Jones
Louis & Barbara Prues
Louise Tuller Miller Trust
Margaret & Frank K. Penirian, Jr.
Margaret Penirian
Marie Racine
Martha Amis & Michael Mroczyk
Martin & Alicia Klein
Mary G. and Robert H. Flint Foundation Fund
Maxine Gardner / Gardner Family
McGregor Fund
MedCart Specialty Pharmacy
Melvin Kaftan
MGM Grand Detroit
Michael and Margaret Fitzpatrick
Michael French
Michael Fuhrman
Michigan Council For Arts and Cultural Affairs
MoGo/DDP Bike Share Corporation
Molina Healthcare of Michigan
Motor City Casino
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Lewry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sfire
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Paul & Cheryl Robertson
PNC Foundation
Quicken Loans
Racine & Associates
Randal Murphy
Rita Sierra
Robert & Carol Brinton
Ron & Rita Acho
Sargent Consulting Group
Serra Family Foundation
Shaun & Chrystal Wilson
St. James Episcopal Church
St. James Episcopal Church, Birmingham
St. John’s Episcopal Church
New To You Shop, Royal Oak
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Detroit
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Steven Goldberg
Strategic Staffing Solutions
Team Wellness
Ted & Janet Payne
Ted & Sue McDermott
Thaddeus MacKrell
The Estate of Hans & Andrea Becker
The Jewish Fund
The Kresge Foundation
The Rt. Rev’d Wendell N. Gibbs, Jr.
Total Health Care
Trinity Episcopal Church, Belleville
Tuktawa Foundation
Variety Food Services
Wayne County Sheriff
Wayne State University
Wolverine Packing Company
World Heritage Foundation